Imagine a balanced health powered by you

Wellness Solutions
Hanna Kroeger Practitioner
I am a certified Rev. Hanna Kroeger practitioner.
I offer for my clients the little known Natural Healing with the Hands workshops based precisely on the works of the late Rev. Hanna Kroeger. I am the only one in Canada teaching this original hands on healing style.
Bio-therapeutic Homeopathy
I am a certified Bio-therapeutic homeopathic drainage practitioner. I am one of 300 practitioners in North America with this accreditation.
I teach workshops in the practical application of how the Unda homeopathic compounds are used for any imbalanced body condition including how to use condition specific healing foods and human probiotics to restore the body’s balance.
Reiki Instruction
I am one of ten certified, traditional, Jikiden Reiki teachers in Canada.
I teach Jikiden Reiki Level One and Level Two of the certification course accredited by the Kyoto Jikiden Reiki Institute of Japan.
You can learn more about my Jikiden Reiki courses by visiting my other website: Jikiden Reiki Works.
Mailing List
If you are a new or current client and wish to be notified on what I am teaching for physical, emotional, and spiritual issues for these times, I announce these trainings every other month by emailing those who are on my mailing list.
If you attend my trainings you will learn something useful for you and your family... guaranteed, its my passion.
I never spam. Women get this, there is no time.
If you are a client of mine you can join my private Wholistically Speaking Facebook group by request. There you will find more frequent posts of a general nature including relevant information impacting one's health and life from around the world.

Physical Body
A healthy physical body registers and reacts to the activities of the, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
The body may be temporary, but it is not disposable.
You can't just throw junk down the hatch, pollute
it right and left then expect it to kick on in the morning. Even if you leave it while dreaming, you have to
wake up and smell the herb tea eventually.
Evan T. Pritchard

Emotional Body
It matters where we live and it matters where we heal and often the only way we can cure ourselves of the diseases
we have is to retreat back to nature to detoxify our mind, body, and spirit.
Therefore, being psychologically centered within oneself positively impacts a home, a family, a city, the world itself.

Spiritual Body
The soul in the body is like sap in a tree,
and the soul’s powers are like the form of the tree,
and as the the tree’s form develops,
so the soul reveals it’s powers.
Hildegard of Bingen