My Recommended Products
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The links below are producs I know and trust. Visit the links for more information on the products and to purchase.
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Sunrider Foods
The right foods can heal imbalances in the body not just provide nourishment. Sunrider Foods are designed on TCM Traditional Chinese medicine principles. Sunrider is proud to offer the most innovative, effective products available.
They exclusively manufacture over 415 products in their own state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities to ensure the highest quality control. This is an accomplishment very few companies can claim.
I have been using them in individualized programs for restoring wellness for 30 years.
Lucky Iron Fish
The Lucky Iron Fish is a small iron cooking tool that infuses your meals with iron to help prevent and treat iron deficiency. It’s simple to use and provides a natural source of iron for everyone, including athletes, vegans, women and mothers. Each purchase also helps undernourished communities around the world.
Healthy & Grounded
Earthing shifts our nervous system from a stress dominated state to one of calmness. By reconnecting to the earth, you enable your body to return to its normal electrical state, which makes you better able to self-regulate and self-heal.
Canadian Pine Pollen
Pine Pollen is a wonder of nature, and our Canadian pine pollen is pure and whole, tree-to-jar wild-harvested and certified organic. Pine pollen contains phytoandrogens. In traditional Chinese Medicine it is known for its power to nourish energy and vitality (Qi). We don’t break the cell walls before packing our pine pollen into jars, so you get this potent wild medicine pure and raw.
Ocushield® anti blue light products allow you to have fresher feeling eyes & improved sleep after screen use.
Some of the products I use in treatment

Unda Numbered Compounds
The word UNDA means undulating water.
Located in Brussels and Harze, Belgium, UNDA is the largest homeopathic company in Belgium. The plant makes over 6000 compounds. UNDA is world renowned for the quality and effectiveness of their homeopathic products.
The UNDA numbered compounds are specifically designed to create natural drainage that accomplishes detoxification to reverse the process of any intoxication in the body.
I am certified and have been in study of the Unda system of Biotherapeutic Homeopathic drainage for 25 years.
Human Probiotics
I use only the registered HMF probiotic line by Genestra of which there are 39 formulations for the various microbiome imbalances.
HMF products are the only probiotic formulas officially and publically approved by Health Canada.
My training in probiotics has been with Dr. Nigel Plummer, the founder and formulator of the HMF line whom you see in this video. Dr. Plummer is the world’s leading microbiologist expert in Probiotics and Essential Fatty Acids.

Physical Body
A healthy physical body registers and reacts to the activities of the, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
The body may be temporary, but it is not disposable.
You can't just throw junk down the hatch, pollute
it right and left then expect it to kick on in the morning. Even if you leave it while dreaming, you have to
wake up and smell the herb tea eventually.
Evan T. Pritchard

Emotional Body
It matters where we live and it matters where we heal and often the only way we can cure ourselves of the diseases
we have is to retreat back to nature to detoxify our mind, body, and spirit.
Therefore, being psychologically centered within oneself positively impacts a home, a family, a city, the world itself.

Spiritual Body
The soul in the body is like sap in a tree,
and the soul’s powers are like the form of the tree,
and as the the tree’s form develops,
so the soul reveals it’s powers.
Hildegard of Bingen